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Alliance of Maldives Opposition parties to hold protest in Sri Lanka

(UTV|COLOMBO) – The alliance of opposition parties in the Maldives is to hold a rally in Colombo, Sri Lanka on Tuesday (06).

The Joint Opposition have been holding a series of protests across the Maldives since 1st February, calling on the government of Maldives to implement the Supreme Court ruling ordering the release of nine high-profile political prisoners and reinstating the 12 opposition parliamentarians.

According to organizers, the rally will be held Tuesday morning, in front of the Embassy of Maldives.

The point of holding a rally in Sri Lanka is so that Maldivian living there “can participate” in the call to the authorities, as well as to draw attention to the unlawful actions of the Maldivian government.

The Supreme Court issued its controversial ruling, signed by all five justices of the court, on 1st February. Refusing to implement the order, and firing anyone that tried to, incumbent President Abdulla Yameen declared a state of emergency just five days later. Following this, prominent figures were arrested, including former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed and Justice Ali Hameed.

Since their arrest, Supreme Court’s remaining three justices have been issuing rulings, and has since nullified some points in its initial ruling.

Courtesy: Raajjemv

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